Saturday, January 18, 2014


Features suggestions for future samp versions:
* Add IsPlayerInWater native and OnPlayerEnterWater function :
- I think its really easy to make because you just have to take all the places in which there is water coordinates and compare them with cureent player position..
* Add AttachWeaponToVehicle native so that a minigun can be attached on a car for example and a player can shoot from it..
* Add AttachMinigunToHeli(heliid) native so that a player can shoot from the minigun like in the singleplayer mission ( woozie missions in san fierro )
* Add more animations
* Add Gta mission complete sound and intro and outro sounds
* Add SetPlayerSkillLevel(player, skillid, level [0-1000]) native
- Skillid can be muscle, fat level, weapon skills, driving skills, swimming skills, respect, sex appeal etc...
* Add CreateFire, IsPlayerBurning natives and OnPlayerEnterFire callback.
If you got any suggestion in mind please mention it in a comment and it will be added.